10 XBOX One Games You Can Play with your Kids (and actually have fun!) Cpeter September 26, 2017 Here are ten great Xbox one games you that can play with your kids, toddlers, and family. Couch cooperative play was a big part of… Continue Reading
HipShotDot vs. HeadShot Red Dot – Who Wins & Do They Actually Work? Cpeter September 26, 2017 Continue Reading
Top 3 Best Cheapest Controllers XBOX ONE Cpeter September 26, 2017 Power A Prismatic PDP Rock candy Mini Series controller Continue Reading
What is GEEKstalgia? Cpeter September 22, 2017 Geek + Nostalgia = Geekstalgia Geek; 1) a digital-technology expert or enthusiast (a term of pride as self-reference, but often used disparagingly by others). 2)… Continue Reading